Monday, March 17, 2008

Cairasian's first desert hash

So weekends are apparently Friday and sometimes Saturday, which makes the Friday midday hash start time make a lot more sense. Not hashish (the 2 am visit to buy oranges from an all-night fruit-vendor is not web-appropriate), but the hash run. Wandered around a neighborhood called Maadi, which is pretty much foreignerville, with English and Germans wandering around in shorts with their kids and whatnot.....really weird scene. Finally found the meeting point for catching rides to the hash, which is outside Cairo a bit in the rocky desert, in a waadi, which is Arabic for either dry riverbed or expat-body-dumping-depot. Ran damn near 6 miles, which was a great return to exercise, hashing, running, and extreme dehydration in weirdly beautiful surroundings.

Here's some flour marking a hash point, and a pile of rocks under which some athletic white people are buried.


Unknown said...

at the risk of sounding ignorant, when are we going to see some damn camels?javascript:void(0)
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Unknown said...

was it really 6 miles, or did it just feel like it, heh heh...

Twitchy Chino said...

Naw, they actually said it was a long trail and about 6 miles. It felt like about 18 miles.